At 2 years 3.5 months Vidar is talking a lot and has many many words probably too many for me to write down here. His sentences seem mostly to be in Swedish, with some English words thrown in. His pronunciation is still limited in certain ways: k comes out as t and g comes out as d in all positions; l, r, y are all pronounced as y; no consonant clusters in evidence.
Lots of deictics, which he has had from the very beginning, although they have changed a little over the past year. His favourite ones are currently `dai' and `den', meaning `that location' and `that thing' respectively. His name for himself is Viva.
Here are his most common phrases:
Eter mat
(inte) bytte bleier
Eter upp den
Off den --- take that off
bort den--- take that away
inte Mamma/Pappa, bare Viva--- not Mamma, just Vidar
on, inte off
massa X --- lots of X
sitter fast--- when something is stuck, or can't be moved by him.
sitter vagn--- sit in the pram
vivas vagn/hat/shoe/X -- possession
mammas/pappas X--- possession
det er Vivas--- said for temporary possessions too, and even for showing interest in something.
boo-ai --- when something falls
det er X --that is X
Viva tar den--- Vidar will do it/take it
Mamma/Pappa tar den--- ordering mamma/pappa to do it/take it.
kom hit-- come here
fel haal-- wrong way
hit aat/dit aat -- (this way, that way)
lese den --- read it
oov X -- big X
rut/baa/gunt/bunt/vit/fart/ransh/pint/lila/yeyo X (red/blue/green/brown/white/black/orange/pink/purple/yellow)X
det er fel --- that's wrong
aaker bil/bus/rushtana --- travel by car/bus/go on the slide
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