Wednesday, 3 October 2012

Gradually, Vidai is replacing Vivai as his name for himself.
He is still obsessed  with the CD of songs from Astrid Lingren books. Paiyets (Pirates) is the one he asks for most. He dances sometimes but now he also sometimes stands stock still and listens for the words. Is very thrilled when he hears something he understands, and so he repeats it.
Bjorn has been investing some time in getting him to like the Beatles, the White Album in particular. Obladi Obladi was easy because I used to sing that to him when he was very little. But he also likes Bungalow Bill because of the jungle and the tiger, and the fact that he took his mamma. Blackbird is also a hit. When Honey Pie comes on after Obladi Oblada he yells `inte den. into den'.  Kind of understandable.
Big planks of wood are being deployed to create bridges and slides, and the wooden stool is used to climb up on things and jump off from. The house turns into a little obstacle course, which he practises on over and over again, with variations.  Most of the variations he makes up himself. Like using a box lid or computer case as a sled.
yette yongt  (very long)
upp i luffen (up in the air)
yunt yunt (round and round)
yette dott (very good (for food))
yett baa (very good)
yesa den (read that)
Last two nights he has had very disturbed sleep. Waking up every hour or so, sometimes disoriented and inconsolable.  I don't know what's up. I hope its just over stimulation and that the fact that everything is developing very fast at the moment.

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